tokyo and hong kong

about a girl in tokyo and a boy in hong kong.



i hv been working for this job since 2004. at that time, the university cut 6 % of the salary of the staffs who were in the same post as me.

3 yrs later, i planned to quit this job. however, in this morning, i was told that the university will raise the salary for 7 % in next month. how stupid is it!!!!!!!!!!

A very hard decision......

If there is a job offer to you, which will give you 50% more than your recent one and will promise you a stable life in future, but just one thing, u hv to give up your dream, so what will u choose?

So hard to make the decision......

Finally, i didnt let myself to think 2 much, i choose my dream, and pass the offer to someone.

i dun no it was right or not, but i quite appreciate myself, appreciate my stupidness. I really believe that i m a fool, such an unrealistic crazy guy......


geisha girl goes to kyoto

yes.... this was my first time to wear "maiko" style kimono (maiko is an apprentice of geisha). i know i would look so so so so stupid.... but can't help trying it!

建仁寺/cafe 茂庵

stone garden/flower of june
at a traditional insence maker shop, this beautiful kimono lady welcomes us/金閣寺







(22/6)落雨。京都大部分0既店同景點都出奇地早關門(4點!),所以一定要盡早出門。晨咁早就去左金閣寺,0係寺內嘆茶同小點,幾好feel。去咖啡工房來個早餐,重點當然係咖啡,非常唔錯的咖啡,店主知我係香港人後仲送左個紀念品比我!之後坐京福電鐵(市內0既小電車仔)去天龍寺,都幾過癮0架,仲0係天龍寺食齋(好過香港寺廟0既齋一千倍),身處世界遺產0既寺院園林食午餐,超勁正!之後遊嵐山一帶,去左非常出名0既望月橋,又去左唔見有遊客但都唔錯既寶嚴院園林,再去勁欣賞0既超靚和服工場,見識左佢0既手工複雜同細緻,明白點解咁多日本女仔會以擁有一件為夢想。再花左好耐去搵咖啡店Yamamoto,環境好到你唔信,有一對播放Bach 0既大喇叭,咖啡則好飲到連飲兩杯,兼買多一包自家焙煎0既咖啡豆!晚上有期待已久0既豆腐宴,十道豆腐菜,再加自家製梅酒,無限感動!返宿後又再去公共浴室一嘆!

(23/6)再來個晨咁早起身,勁熱。麻煩妹話要一試藝伎大變身,0係等佢變身0既同時,我就自己去左遊町屋、高台寺一帶,街道之美,尤勝麗江!至於麻煩妹個藝伎look,嘻嘻 :p......遊清水寺,人多到以為自己返左旺角,不過真係好宏偉。午餐來個全豆宴,平、靚、正!租單車代步,再次感到龐大0既身軀係唔多適合日本0既一切,好似大人在踩小朋友車!遊建仁寺,佢唔算好出名好壯觀,但就係我今次最鍾意0既寺院,因為遊人唔多,非常安寧,園林令人心境平靜(靜到麻煩妹訓左40分鐘!)再遊南禪寺,品嘗茶道,可是跪坐唔夠三分鐘就頂唔順!再去1937年開業0既靜香(Shizuka)咖啡店,老板娘以前係藝伎,好有懷舊味道0既小店,又0黎兩杯咖啡!晚餐係濃味極品鐵板燒,超........好食!一個人去公共浴室,因為麻煩妹自己訓左先!

(24/6)訓到十點幾(之前咁多日都實在太早了)!又係雨天,遊銀閣寺,雨天有好有壞,壞0既就大家都明白,但好0既就係遊人較少,而且我勁怕熱(六月落雨0既話只得二十度,但陽光普照就有三十度以上!)再遊哲學之道、法然院,幾經艱辛先搵到0係山林裏面0既茂庵咖啡室,係間已經有九十年歷史0既木屋,非常滿足。再遊三十三間堂,全都係國寶級古物,出奇0既係遊人唔多,旅遊書大都只係係咁依介紹一下,但實在好得不得了,忍唔住買左本攝影集!之後去京都車站0既伊勢丹食超好食0既寶屋拉麵,再返四食葛根甜品,再去Cattleya咖啡店,一嚐佢聞名0既御神水井水沖0既咖啡,可識只係非常一般。最後晚餐0係伊勢丹0既壽司清解決(每次日本行0既最後一餐都係壽司),水準比唔上東京,但重要0既係夜晚0既京都車店 / 伊勢丹真係好靚!







呢排超級勁忙,除左公事之外,尋日仲帶左麻煩妹個表妹遊香港,由朝頭早九點玩到半夜點幾,好在有Benny san既幫忙,唔係有佢流利0既日文幫忙下,我估我都唔知可以點,都叫幾順利同開心,希望佢地鍾意啦!


下星期再post過!(或者考慮下0係日本post :p)


I love my job, i love my boss, but......

"I love my job", i think this is not the situation of most of the HK and JP people. But compare to "I love my boss", i think it is still common.

Yes, i love my job, and my boss. to be a HK junior salaryman, this is very unusual, i do think i hv very gd luck in this way. my job is full of meaning and achievement, i can decide everything by myself, my boss always accept my ideas, he never said no to me before even once.

However, i will quit my job soon, bcoz i need to run after my dream, i m not sure i can achieve it, i started to worry about it recently.

For me, i m not a person who want to live in a regular status, i hate to do the same things for long, i hate my life hs nth change, i hate to stop learning and creating...... to be a man who is going to be 30, this is a real problem i think, very unstable or very immature for some people. but i m sure if i m a boring guy and only want to live in a "normal", regular, ordinary, routine, flat, dull, and insipid life, 麻煩妹 wouldn't love me also.

Yes, it is a big challenge, for sure i need money for future, i still hv to take care of my family, also, i dun want to live in a low living standard with 麻煩妹. so, i m trying to explore all the possibilities to ensure i can surrive for my dreamed life with 麻煩妹.





當我同佢講我地未唸咁快結婚0既時候,佢就話:「唔好諗咁多啦,結左先算,捉佢過來,咁就咩都得0架啦!」聽完之後笑左好耐,佢並唔係無道理的,唔通呢個係佢0既親身經歷?係咪真係得0架?但人地咁就十六年啦喎,如果係咁0既又好似幾好,嘻嘻 :p

new camera!

yes....! my bid was accepted for an online auction. the thing i wanted was a new digital SLR camera. wow... is this too much of a luxury for me?! should i save more money....?

started to feel a bit guilty...

ok, i am sure i will use this camera as much as i can, and will get this investment back in future and it will be in a form of beautiful masterpiece!!




i heard malaujai singing a song over skype. wow. it was the very same song that i had been singing!!!!!!





so so so amazing. cant believe my ears.

pleasant stay?

finally, that girl has left my place..... its an old friend of mine, who stayed in my place for about a week until today.

i started to feel a bit annoyed with her stay, and so did my sister. i just found out some aftermath of her stay. trash dumped without sorting out in the bins (burnables and non-burnables are supposed to be desposed of separately otherwise they wont take them!), lights kept on, blanckets left in a mess, etc etc.... it does get me on my nerve.

i first met her when we were university students, that means i have know her for nearly 8 years. at first we were quite close, but after my graduation we got to see each other less and less frequently. well, this kind of thing happens sometimes. it was not that we hated each other, so i was not feeling sad or anything at that time. that was when some of my other friends lost contact with her too.
then about a month ago, she contacted me for the fist time in 2 years, saying that she was studying in london and asking me to let her stay in my place for a few days because she had nowhere to live in tokyo. of course, no reason to say no, i thought. i replied with a yes. and a few weeks later she came in, and told me she would like to stay a bit longer.
i dont know why but i cant help feeling pissed off with her every action in my place. maybe i was a bit too nervous, and so was she. maybe she might not be too rude to from some other people's point of view. maybe it was me who were becoming hyper-sensitive with an old friend.... we both have changed so much in the last few years.
last week i told her honestly that my sister was feeling a bit stressed with her stay. she said ok and told me she would leave the next week but stay here till some cheap hotel would be available. that was when i started to feel guilty. am i kicking out her? slumming the door shut at her face....? am i not her friend any more...??

friendship sometimes gets you in a difficult situation. there is no right answer, i think.


2 movies with you

Did anyone do the same thing like me and 麻煩妹? we watched movie together.

However, we did not watch in cinema, we watched a vcd and a dvd.

We did not watch in the same computer, and did not watch in the same country. we watched the same movie by diff computer in different country!!!!

How a romantic and funny experience, we can hear the laugh (or even snor) of each other (and our family members), and we can look at each other by msn or skype when we a watching it.

But at the same time, it is also very troublesome, it is always not easy to make sure that the movie in the both side a in the same scene, same timing, esp when if i play the vcd (bought in vcd shop) and she plays dvd (rent in dvd shop).

In the past 2 days, we watched 2 movies together, 1 is very gd, and the other one is bad. 麻煩妹 slept during the bad movie, and i had much more fun by looking at her sleepy face rather the movie!hehe, sorry 麻煩妹 :P
The gd one is "Four Wedding and a Funeral". Wow, how young was Hugh Grant at that time!!!!!! a very english style movie, full of humor. and the actor/ress were very gd. when i was young, i watched it in tv for may be 15 mins, but i didnt feel any gd point to finish it, but today everything changed (including watched it with a "foreigner"), i can say how gd the movie was. may be i m mature (old) enough :P

the bad one was a HK movie, 《再說一次我愛你》, very stupid, emotional, artificial. it wasted the gd actors, not the main characterssssss, but the supporting actors, like 黃秋生, 許紹雄 and 林雪.




一套睇比想像中差,一套戲比想像中好,比想像中差0既係 cash back(《愛情回水》),尤其唔鬼鍾意個中文譯名,好俗,但估唔到原來套戲都係咁俗,所以真係無改錯名。不過又講返句公道說話,套戲只係個導演0既第一套長片,能拍得咁靚,其實已經好唔簡單,亦有好多好得意既笑位會令你睇得幾舒服,但係我0既期望本來真係幾高的!而且條「橋」真係有點老土!!!







In peace, the hero and the children of China

It comforts me by seeing 55,000 HK people did not only remember it, but walked out from indoor with air condition to the Victoria Park.

Many words in my heart, but dun no how to say, wish u all hv a peaceful life in heaven.

For the Government of NOT the People's Republic of China, "look at the power of the people, WE DID NOT, DO NOT AND WILL NOT FORGET!!!"


some may go their own way

last night was probably the last of all meet up with kae and hugo together. kae is going to UK in 2 weeks and hugo to germany in 3 weeks. though they will not be living together anymore, all the weekends they can spend in either his or her place, so they wont feel too lonely for sure. for some people the world is now much smaller than we used to think, at least in europe...

to be honest i felt bit sad and jealous at the same time. it feels funny to have this kind of mixed emotion. well, according to the law of the world when some has more, some must have less. no need to haste your way. no one can measure your happiness.

wish them my best luck for their way ahead. may our frienship last long.


18 yrs already......

18 yrs already......

The same time of 18 yrs ago, the army moved into Beijing, some students were still in hunger strike, and were forced to face their fate......

In that year i was 10, studied in primary school, and didnt understand anything.

Yrs later, i found out what had happened b4. But today, some people have changed their mind, their position. They forgot what they had said and did, and didnt admit what had happened.

If 18 is a number means a person who has already lived for 18 yrs and can be called as an adult, did our country become an "adult"? did the govt take their responsibility and admit their fault like an adult? The answer is very obvious.

王丹 wrote this poem in jail, let's read it and burn a cigaratte for the dead people, and for the people were still in jail who cannot smoke!!!


沒有藍色的鴿子飛翔 啊
去抽那永遠無法再來的一耬雨絲 喔

I hope one day, our govt and our country will become a "real adult".

At the same time, I hope one day all the "real adult" will understand why they smoke, and why they dont. And i also hope the society will respect the right of the smoker and also the non-smoker.

dragon boat race and monet

today we had an very exciting day... dragon boat race!

the weather condition was good and there was no big wave, so it was supposed to be much easier than last year. and yes, we did have a very smooth run, with the head of our boat crashing to the nearby boat in the next lane..... as a result, unfortunaltely, we were disqualified for the race. too bad!! i think we were just too excited and spirited that the each push of the paddles didnt come together as one. hope we can do better next year!

after that i took some friends from the group to see an exhibition in yokohama museum. as far as i remember this was the 1st time i ever saw monet paintings . i thought i always hated impressionist paintings because i just dont see any meanings in any of those landscape paintings. but wow, the real things are so different! i was almost stunned as if id seen a magic. it was just like looking directly into someones mind, whoseowner was pondering in front of a lotus pond.



Sooooooooo tired and jealous







Sorry JP friends or someone dun no chinese, i will type in Eng next time, cox 麻煩妹 said she needs to improve her chinese yesterday, for the reason of the chinese lesson on yesterday was very difficult. However, that is a Mandarin course, i dun think my post can help :P, anyway......add oil, and dun mix up with Cantonese and Mandarin, haha

chinese class

i went out this morning to attend a chinese lesson. i was assigned to a upper level class for the 1st time. in the new classi had 2 classmate, and wow, they just speak soooooo good.... i started to feel real embarrassed.... i hope i could speak like them one day.


Tetsuo Ishidate

i just heard this news that one of my long-time favorite actor tetsuo ishidate(石立鉄男) has passed away. as a student i really loved watching his home comedy drama series on tv. even at that time those series that he played the leading roles must have been on more than 3rd or 4th run, and people thought his acting style was too lame and old-fashioned.

at that time i think i only had a vague memory that i had watched them when i was really really small. until then i never regared him as my favorite, but soon after i started to watch it i found that on tv i realized he was a really brilliant actor. i especially loved the tone of his voice.

after a little while, some so called fashionable people brought those series up again as something cool and trendy. the time was ready to call him back to the spotlight, but he never appeared as they had expected. later i heard that he rather refused to do so.

May his soul rest in peace.



不過要同各位日本朋友講聲對唔住啦 (to all JP friends, very sorry la, no method la, coz i need to teach her ma :p)!或者有一日,我又要同我0既香港朋友講對唔住,因為可能有日「麻煩妹」都會用日文,不過到時至算啦,我相信短時間我都未會學識睇!


BTW, 咁樣學中文一點也不出奇,大家可以去睇下呢個網,人地有埋拼音同音標添,我就自問不如啦........

馬騮仔's 1st blog and 1st post!!!

As 麻煩妹 said, I do have to admit that i m really "not very familiar with this kind of thing", and didn't sign up until now, but i need to point out that, "someone" is also not very familiar with sending email, coz i've been using hotmail's service, not "hotamil" or "hotmil", so it was very normal that i had not received the invitation b4, haha

Tonite I watched a movie called "吳清源" ("The Go Master") with my very gd friend, ICE, who had also met 麻煩妹 b4. The movie is about 吳清源, a native of China, emerged as a prodigy at a young age, moved to Japan and rose to prominence as the top Go player (a kind of traditional chess use to play with 180 white and 181 black pieces) in the world during the period of 2nd world war. Since 吳清源's wife is a japanese, so i think it's such a coincident and suitable topic to use for my 1st post in this blog!!! The feeling must be different if i watch it b4 i met 麻煩妹!!!

The movie itself and the actor and actress inside are also gd, but sth can be better, such as the way of the story telling. Anyway ICE and i also share the same feeling about the impossibility of HK movie industry to make this kind of movie, very refined and serious scene, mise-en-scene, "mood" control, etc.

indian dinner

had a quick indian dinner with one of my colleagues in shibuya. she is such a cheerful girl, very typical of an osaka girl.

after dinner we hurried back to the station. got on the same train and said good bye as she got off at a few stations before mine.