tokyo and hong kong

about a girl in tokyo and a boy in hong kong.


1 week to go!

time does fly! we only have 1 week to go before our trip to taipei!

so excited! hehe!


the hottest day ever!

yesterday marked the hottest day ever since modern meteorology system has started nearly 100 years ago. wow.... i really dont use air conditioning when in my place but yesterday i could net help turning it on to the maximum power. i even heard that some people had died from the excessive heat and most of them were elderly people. poor thing.

at the same time ah hong texted me telling that he was a little sick in chengdu. started worried much thinking that it must have been hard to be sick in that kind of alien environment.


so hot today...

it is really hot today, and i really dont feel like doing anything...

this summer i find it a bit stranger than usual, for 1 thing it is too hot, and the second thing i noticed is that it is not as humud as usual summer. is this maybe part of the big global climate change?? i am very worried concerned about this issue but at the same time i feel real powerless to do anything to change the situation. especially in japan this problem of climate change is not publicized or reported as often or as in detail as it does in the west. maybe because some big corporation are against this so that they can sell more bottled water, more cars, more stupid comodities... and maybe because the whole private media are secretly controlled by them.
i tried to sense any hidden conspiracy by big enterprises as much as i can but so far i have found no evidence though. i thinking too much? maybe because it is too hot.


shek kip mei, hong kong

shek kip mei, hong kong
Originally uploaded by bepper



上飛機去內蒙時收到大導演安東尼奧尼(Michelangelo Antonioni)的死訊,是繼英瑪褒曼(Ingmar Bergman)後另一個天才大導的殞落......近期大家最記得的當然是他和王家衛合作的《愛神》(Eros),但我最最最愛的始終是《春光乍洩》(Blow Up,唔係王家衛那套)。
《春光乍洩》(Blow Up)