tokyo and hong kong

about a girl in tokyo and a boy in hong kong.





壞消息三:瑞典電影大師英瑪褒曼(Ingmar Bergman)昨日去世,享年89,超過五十部電影,贏盡無數電影獎項,關注死亡、宗教、倫理的悲情大師。
英瑪褒曼(Ingmar Bergman)

《第七封印》(The Seventh Seal)

《野草莓》(Wild Strawberries)





shek kip mei, hong kong

shek kip mei, hong kong
Originally uploaded by bepper

soon to be destroyed. inside must be filled with numerous memory of the ex-residents.





sorry i cannot be with u on your birthday, and sorry to hear that u worked so hard today......but as we always say, "無計啦,唔緊要啦"!!!!!!

in this special day, i wish u always happy, beautiful, healthy, gd luck......all the gd things be with u!!!!

BTW, so funny that our b-days a that close, both leo, funny.

how many b-days will we celebrate together? i m not very greedy, how about 80 times??????


from HH

Watched this stupid movie today, so disappointed......Tarantino...... >.<


Back from camping, excited for tmr

The student summer camp was finished finally, it gave me so many diff feelings and reflections, sth gd, sth bad, sth very happy, sth really disappointing.....but i dun want to talk 2 much on it now, coz i m very tired and want to close this topic now, let bygones be bygones......But i think i really hv to say special thanks to u, the star of stars, who worked with me under the same starry night!!!!!

Today will nearly finish, tomorrow will come very soon, and i can c 麻煩妹 in HK again, YEAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So excited, wowowowow. All of my dear friends, dun feel jealous on 麻煩妹, i will still treat u guys as gd as always, >B<

Tmr, Tmr, Tmr, Tmr.............


Busy, but still watch movie

i m very busy recently. i havent stopped working for 21 days already, poor me!!! when i realised that i was going to finish all of the things soon, i allowed myself to get into the cinema again!!! hehe...

"Shrek 3". it was not as gd as i had expected, the first one was much better, but i still had fun from it.

"Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix". Well, i couldnt stop myself to watch it, but the outcome was the same as i had predicted. After watching it, i really wanted to ask, "how much do you still want to earn from me? when will it finish?"......etc. luckily, i hv the annual past of this cinema, i dun hv to pay for both shrek and harry porter, hehe!!!

"Who's Camus, Anyway?"(開麥拉荒卡謬), such a bad bad chinese translated name. However, the movie itself was very great. Mitsuo Yanagimachi(柳町光男), a very great director, professor, who hasnt made movie for 10 yrs already. The story was very gd and very complicated, and it was full of tributes to many movies and directors. It also reminded me the "Day for night" of Truffaut. BTW, the first time i watched this movie was in the film festival last yr. This time i watched the dvd with a friend in my lovely office, but it may be the last time b4 i moved out.

Tonite, i received a bad news on web, Ousmane Sembene, the "father of African movie", died in the age of 84. I only watched one of his movie, "Moolaade"(割禮龍鳳鬥). i dun no much about him, but i quite like this movie. i hope i will hv chance to watch more of his movie.



近幾日忙到爆(麻煩妹,又有生字學了),完全無心機同時間寫blog,但昨日難得偷得少少時間,同左ster去睇戲(各位,我親愛的ster0既癌病可能復發,大家多點關心下佢啦),本來真係唔打算睇呢套怪雞片:《索女、喪屍、機關榆》(Planet Terror),但ster鍾意,就同左佢去睇(馬騮仔好錫妳的哦,家陣妳大曬,妳想點就點),睇完得淡笑,係拍得靚,但呢類所謂的荷李活B片,有時真係未必頂得住.........最重要係,我應承ster,等妳好返,妳去日本之旅包在我身上,麻煩妹都一定會出錢出力的!只要妳好返!



morning glory festival

yesterday i went to this morning glory festival. this is the same place hong and i visited 3 months earlier, but the town looked so different from then. unimaginable!
the big street that the famous local temple is facing, is now filled with people and stalls and police guards. too crowded that it was even hard to move. many girls were dressed in traditional kimono wears. i wish i had one on like that! maybe next time...hmm.
air smelled so good with aroma of grilled small snacks that was almost irresitible. i decided to pick 1 pack of small baked cakes. lets just forget bout dieting! hehe.
in front of those stalls people were selling pots of morning glory. i heard somewhere that they were selling more than 20,0000 pots in 3 days. wow. i would never feel like buying a flowerpot normally, but in this kind of atmosphere where everyone carries one or 2 pots, why not me?



genius always dies early, so how about me? long life???

One of my most favourite director, Edward Yang(楊德昌) died of Colon Cancer yesterday, only in the age of 59, again, cancer......

Yang is one of the best director in Taiwan, Asia, and even in this world. He won Best Movie Award in 1991 at the Asia Pacific Film Festival, Alfred Bauer Award - Honorable Mention in 1996 at the Berlin Film Festival, Best Director Award in 2000 at Cannes Film Festival, etc......

The most favourite movie to me was "A Brighter Summer Day"(牯嶺街少年殺人事件), at that time Chang Chen(張震)was only 14, soooooo cute!!!!
Best of the best, including the music, Chang Chen acted with his father.
Some of my favourites,
"Yi Yi: A One and a Two"(一一). "Sight and Sound" magazine picked it as top 10 movie in the past 25 yrs
"The Terrorizers" (恐怖分子), very special style, like a novel, u wont know how gd it is if u dun watch until the end.

secret guess

the other day while on train, i saw 2 people, 1 young lady and 1 young man, standing in front of me talking about their job situation. it was a funny conversation, because, apparently, they were a former colleagues from a kind of sexual service shop. they didnt say that direclty but anybody could tell the fact from the way they looked and what they were talking about (and interestingly enough, from the destination they were heading).
while they were there i enjoyed eavesdropping. there was nothing that was too explicit in what their talking about, just like normal conversation between colleagues, but what was funny was that all the while they were talking about how fit the girls should be or what kind of new girl could join or blah blah...

later on they were sort of trying to guess each other's age. so i also secretly started to get some clues from the conversation and try to have my own guess. after a while that lady finally said that she was 23, so it was his turn. he said he had been in that industry for more than 7 years, so i just guessed, maybe he is in his early 30s, also judging from the way he looks.

1 min later.

wow, he said he is only 20, and he started working when he was 13 or 14...













滿帶期待進場,結果失望而回。男主角失去了《斷背山》(Brokeback Mountain)的光彩,導演更完全沒有了《七綜罪》(Seven)的功架,白白浪費了三個小時!


沒有期待進場,感覺好少少,但絕對說不上是好片,唯一想讚讚的是阿Sa,有進步!完全唔Buy詹瑞文式搞笑、誇張,令我唸起張偉健!對演員 / 演藝的反諷同致敬都來得非常造作!




