tokyo and hong kong

about a girl in tokyo and a boy in hong kong.


a meaningful performance

In this tuesday, man yee, keith, gil, peggy and i were invited to katy's drug treatment centre to lead a music worship and biblical sharing, we all enjoy very much, and we did have a good time with all the clients.

About the preaching, of coz i was the one who preached, i tried to use the christian faith, esp the meaning of incarnation and crucification, to response the big even of the hk entainment industry recently, like edison, and fat fat's death. i do pity all of the people who suffer in those events, even included edison, gillian, cecilia.....and the daughter of fat fat, yan yee. The meaning of incarnation and the crucification is jesus who died and suffered for everyone, every sinners, no matter u and me and even edison. when jesus was humiliated on the cross, his body was totally naked in front of the people. i hope what had jesus faced and experience, including overcome the death and all the sufferings, can comford the people suffer from the photos, the death of fat fat and also the addiction of drugs and all kinds of social discrimations.

Here is the photos of that day, keith, the guitar player, was so stupid and crazily plunge into the performance, a string of his guitar was cut only after playing the first song, gil, the drumer, was the one who attracted all the attention of the male clients, everybody can simple tell why! peggy, another vocal besides keith, always forgot to clicked the power point because she was too focus on her singing, and man yee, the keyboard player, i hv found out that she was the star's star, simple bcox she could amazingly follow the bridge and the intro which keith played wrong, haha!!!

And for the bass player, i dont hv to introduce him, absolutely, he is the leader of the band, and the most handsome guy and the most popular preacher and musician in between all of them, hahaha.


yesterday's hong and ayaka

he seemed very busy yesterday. gave me a call from whompoa and he said he had just finished sending his sick friend home after musical training for church activity.
by the way, ayaka has started to learn korean language! she finds it very interesting as it has so much in common with cantonese...


屈指一算,在中大(中文大學,note for 麻煩妹)已步入了第十個年頭,人在變,物亦變,一切也在變,但並沒有像進化論所應許的變得更好,反而是越來越差。沒有求學心態的學生,沒有教學情操的學者,沒有愛顧校園和同學的校長老師學長們,更沒有關懷弱勢社群和反抗強權暴政的知識分子,知識分子這個字就顯得太過老套,太過七十年代......



讀後內心像遭電擊一樣,這是風采,是真正不亢不卑的學者風範(尤其回應曾俊華司長那段),絕不是那些七八九流專門跑數(means籌錢,note for 麻煩妹)和弄權鬥爭的學棍(means rubbish professor)可比擬!它令我想起一位已過身的沈院長(前任崇基學院院長沈宣仁教授),當年有幸兩次和他他同台吃飯和見面談天,至今記憶尤深(近兩任的院長也和他們吃過飯或見過面,可是嘛......),又令我想起社會學家韋伯(Max Weber)的兩篇著名演辭:politics as a vocation和religion as a vocation,到底這個學術的召命(vocation)在今日的商業和資本世界裡還有幾重?





today's hong

happy valentine's day!

this morning hong went to japanese language class. i hope he learnt a lot from the lesson!!

today's hong

i just came up with this idea of just simply recording on this blog what the other did today, so for me, i just write down what hond did today. and it doesnt have to be in detail. hong can give me a comment later when he reads this, or can correct any mistakes.

today, hong was home for most of the time and spent much of his energy on studying. apparently. and then after dinner he went out to borrow some books from one of his friends.
also he said happy birthday to me earlier today. it was out of sudden so i didnt know what was going on! his explanation was that on this day of chinese new year week everyone gets 1 year older. this is very interesting. i have heard that in the old days it was the same in japan too.
so here is my happy birthday to everyone!! haha.